Моему другу Серёже Алирзаеву посвящается…
Posted on January 26, 2016 with tags: haskell.
Понапридумывали расширений!
> {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
> import Data.Foldable
> import Data.Proxy
> import GHC.TypeLits
> data Peano = Z | S Peano
> deriving Show
> data FixedList (n :: Peano) a where
> Nil :: FixedList Z a
> (:.) :: a -> FixedList n a -> FixedList (S n) a
> infixr 5 :.
> deriving instance Show a => Show (FixedList n a)
> deriving instance Eq a => Eq (FixedList n a)
> deriving instance Functor (FixedList n)
> deriving instance Foldable (FixedList n)
> deriving instance Traversable (FixedList n)
λ> fmap (+1) (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nill)
-- (2 :. 3 :. 4 :. Nill)
λ> find (==2) (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nill)
-- Just 2
λ> mapM_ print (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nill)
-- 1
-- 2
-- 3
Вроде норм.
sumOurSpecialFixedList :: Num a =>
('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Z))))))))))))))))))))
-> a
sumOurSpecialFixedList = sum
> type family N2P (n :: Nat) where
> N2P 0 = Z
> N2P n = S (N2P (n - 1))
> type FList n = FixedList (N2P n)
sumOurSpecialFixedList :: Num a => FList 20 a -> a
sumOurSpecialFixedList = sum
λ> (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) !! 1
Couldn't match expected type ‘[a]’
with actual type ‘FixedList ('S ('S ('S 'Z))) Integer’
Relevant bindings include it :: a (bound at <interactive>:2:1)
In the first argument of ‘(!!)’, namely ‘(1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil)’
In the expression: (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) !! 1
In an equation for ‘it’: it = (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) !! 1
> type family P2N (n :: Peano) where
> P2N Z = 0
> P2N (S n) = 1 + P2N n
> findex :: (KnownNat n, n + 1 <= P2N m) => Proxy n -> FixedList m a -> a
> findex proxy xs = toList xs !! fromInteger (natVal proxy)
λ> :set -XDataKinds
λ> findex (Proxy :: Proxy 2) (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil)
-- 3
λ> findex (Proxy :: Proxy 0) (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil)
-- 1
Пук. Пёрд. Среньк. Ко-ко-ко-зависимые-типы.
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